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The Stone Independent Blog

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What Is Problem-Based Learning?

We are a school who belongs to John Dewey’s “family tree” of progressive schools, but we practice a pedagogy called “Problem-Based Learning”. Problem-based learning (PBL) is an educational approach where students learn by engaging in real-world, complex problems without predetermined solutions. Instead of traditional instruction where a teacher provides information upfront, PBL encourages students to take an active role in their learning, working in groups to solve problems that require them to research, apply knowledge, and develop critical thinking skills.

Key aspects of PBL include:

  1. Student-Centered: Students drive the learning process by identifying what they need to know, researching, and collaborating to find solutions.

  2. Real-World Problems: The problems are complex, often open-ended, and reflect real-life challenges, fostering relevance and engagement.

  3. Collaborative Learning: PBL encourages teamwork, with students sharing knowledge and diverse perspectives.

  4. Teacher as Facilitator: Instead of directing the learning, teachers guide, support, and challenge students, helping them reflect on their thinking and approaches.

PBL emphasizes active learning, critical thinking, and application of knowledge, making it a dynamic method often used in progressive schools like The Stone Independent School

Mike Simpson